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Bridging the Gender Gap

Recognizing differences in communication styles, modes of behavior and rituals is an essential starting point for improving interaction and productivity in the workplace.

This skill-building workshop for men and women is designed to raise participants' awareness of the power of verbal style and non-verbal messages. As an interactive workshop, it also offers participants the opportunity to observe differing behaviors and styles in practice and to modify their own personal presentation behaviors.

Make this a lunch-and-learn or half-day workshop. Recognize gender-based presentation styles and develop strategies to get your message across in the board room -- and the living room.

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US:         225 South 4th Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106
              Tel: 215-627-1055   Fax: 215-627-1331

Israel:     Tel Aviv
              Tel: 03-629-0594   Fax:03-528-0113